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Memasang header&footer otomatis di xtgem

Tips xtblog

Xtgem semakin hari semakin tambah mantap saja fiturnya kawan..dan pastinya banyak memberi ilmu kepada newbie seperti saya.mungkin info ini sangat berguna bagi kalian juga,yaitu fitur include otomatis bagian header dan footer..karena di setiap halaman yang kita buat tidak perlu membuat header/footer sendiri-sendiri.untuk membuat header dan footer otomatis, ikuti langkahsebagai berikut : 1. Buat file dengan nama _header dan _footer di root utama. (panel » file browser) 2. Edit atau sunting file tersebut. isi dengan konten sesuka kamu.(dan pastinya konten yang tepat untuk di jadikan header dan footer) Nb: file_header untuk head/atas. dan file _footer untuk bagian footer/bawah.. semoga bermanfaat..

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[2014-03-29 04:57] O3N9FgtZ2sB:

I kind of understand this, I just hope Osclass doesn't turn into the way Noah's cliseifasds is. I tried them first before finding you guys and they basically don't allow much help at all for the free users. And I really hope Osclass doesn't turn into something where you have to end up buying the premium version in order to use all the functions, thus not being open source anymore for free users. It would be nice to see Osclass function like WordPress does. Maybe charge for some premium themes and as you are doing now, professional installation and things like that, but I hope the basic script and updates and plugins will continue to be free. Another idea would be to charge a small fee for doing custom plugins and widgets?I do not mind keeping the link in the footer, but I would have a problem with keeping ads on the site (besides my own). But $10 is worth donating to a script like this, so I don't think that is unreasonable either. I was very excited when I found this script and I've seen what a great job you guys are doing with it. It has come a long way since just a few months ago!

[2011-07-11 11:03] Tengtop:

Q dah jadi. Tpi tetep z ga bisa.

[2011-06-20 06:47] weli:

tes tes

[2011-06-24 12:18] Anggero:

Test di terima

[2012-05-24 11:09] Muchliz:

Share d0nk css xtblognya rapi bener

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